Kerbal Space Program

Heute ist die neue Version vom Indi-Weltallsimulator Kerbal Space Program (KSP) erschienen. Die größte Neuerung ist die Möglichkeit zum Docken und das Erstellen eines Flugplanes, der das Manövrieren eures selbstkonstruierten Vehikels im All einfacher macht. Ich habe das süchtigmachende Programm vor einiger Zeit für etwa $13 gekauft, im Moment ist es für $23 im Store gelistet. Freunde von Orbiter und Co. sollten zuschlagen. Die vollen Patchnotes nach dem Break.

Hier die originalen Patchnotes:

What better way to close our KerbalKon event than to announce that our new release is now available for download. This particular release is a very important milestone in KSP development, as it marks the completion of the Sandbox.

The most notable features for this release include:

* Docking
Connecting vessels together is now possible! Build space stations, surface bases, or assemble huge spacecraft in orbit.

* Flight Planning
Getting to other planets and moons just got a lot simpler. Place maneuvers along your orbit to create a flight plan, and then just follow the guidance cues. No need to figure out angles or hold a protractor to the screen!

* Action Groups
A new way to control your ships! Instead of having everything done through staging, you can assign parts to groups that are controlled with a keypress. Set up Abort systems, or rig up complex contraptions. Or just let the game handle it automatically.

* New Resources System
Watching fuel drain has never been so much fun! New resources allow for completely new possibilities. Energy, Fuel, Oxidizer and other resources now flow through your ship. Manage them as you fly, and pump them across parts.

* Music
KSP now has its own soundtrack, featuring many cool tracks, from smooth jazzy tunes to build ships by, to wondrous spacy themes as you explore the solar system.

* Performance Tweaks
New terrain optimizations and a system to prevent lag by slowing the simulation make for a significant improvement in performance.

So what are you waiting for? You can download the game now if you already purchase it or you can order it if you haven’t.

We also just released a very cute app that lets you customize your own Kerbal, it’s called Kerbalizer. There two versions one is free and lets you add hairstyles, facial details and clothes to a static Kerbal; the other one lets you change the color of most garments and hair, change the background to a constantly moving Kerbal that you can also pose, and the best is the price, only $2. Check it out!

And finally we are proud to present the new official Add-ons repository, Kerbal SpacePort, there you can share your creations with other users and download add-ons for the game.

Happy Launchings!

KSP Team


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